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Family at the heart.

Chuxaway is a family concern established in the Summer of 2010. 

As a family, we were lucky to be given a beautiful hen and her two newly hatched chicks. Our chicken journey had begun.  We bought a great hen-house on eBay, but nobody in the family was keen to get up early and let the chickens out.  A basic web search established there was a product that could help, but it was expensive and primarily used the ambient light conditions to sense day and night, with a timer available at extra cost.  Many people keep chickens in close proximity to neighbours and we felt that a programmable timer based solution was essential in order to avoid a “dawn chorus” as early as 4am in the Summer.  We set about designing our own solution.  We had no mains power near the hen house so the solution had to be battery powered, with long battery life a key requirement.

Having established several reliable solutions over the years, we were finally able to offer our new Chuxaway SCX solution in 2014.  We continue to have thousands of satisfied customers, and are proud of our 100% eBay feedback.


After 14 years, sadly Chuxaway Limited has ceased trading. The advent of cheap solutions from China has disrupted the market to the extent that a new price expectation has been set.  This competition has also reduced sales volumes to a level that is not profitable.  Thank you to our customers.  Please contact for warranty, spares, and supply enquiries.

Chuxaway ©2020 by Chloe Harrison. 

Company Registered No.07440505

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